
Chrysler is losing money

Сhrysler is suffering losses

Chrysler is suffering losses

В in dollar terms it amounted to 370 million. This was reported by the company's press service.

At the same time, Chrysler Group LLC's revenue in April-June of this year amounted to $13.7 billion, which is 30% higher than the same figure for the second quarter of 2010.

The company's share in the US market increased to 10.6% from 9.4% a year earlier, and in the Canadian market – to 14.9% from 12.9%. Sales volume on the world market increased by 19% compared to the same period in 2010 – in April-June 2011 the company sold 486 thousand cars.

Recall that Chrysler Group LLC was formed after the Italian concern Fiat completed its acquisition of Chrysler assets on June 10, 2009. And last week, Fiat completed the purchase of a 7.5% stake in the Chrysler group from the Canadian and American governments, thus increasing its stake in the automaker to 53.5%.

In May, Chrysler paid the majority (7.6 billion) of the 10.5 billion loan received from the United States and Canada to save the company in 2009.