
Chrysler is preparing to introduce an electric crossover

Chrysler is preparing to introduce an electric crossover

Chrysler is preparing to introduce an electric crossover

Chrysler has published the first image of its electric crossover Airflow, which will be presented on April 13 at the New York Auto Show

Judging by the teaser, the new product will almost completely repeat  the concept of the same name, which was shown to us last year. The nuances, of course, are hidden in individual touches, such as different LED optics or the absence of a large logo on the false radiator grille.  As for the technical characteristics, like the concept, the production car will be built on the STLA Medium platform.  The estimated range will be 640 kilometers – the rest of the data will be disclosed at the presentation.

Let us recall that the very first Airflow of the 1934 model was a unique car. For the thirties, it had a revolutionary design and high aerodynamics.  Unfortunately, American car enthusiasts did not appreciate the new car and did not want to accept the unusual body shape. In addition, the body itself turned out to be fragile: its manufacture required new welding technologies, which the company had not yet mastered. Therefore, if in 1934 it was possible to sell more than 8,000 cars of this model, then by 1936 the sales volume fell by almost 2 times.